Amuseable Bouquet of Flowers
The Amuseable Bouquet of Flowers is the perfect way to say Thank You or Congratulations, or simply to cheer up a friend. A stunning bundle of fluffy blooms, with stitch centres, suedette leaves, petals in pink, cream, purple and yellow, embroidered stems and a hessian wrap, this bunch is blooming gorgeous.
Size: H 31 x W 23 cm.
The Amuseable Bouquet of Flowers is the perfect way to say Thank You or Congratulations, or simply to cheer up a friend. A stunning bundle of fluffy blooms, with stitch centres, suedette leaves, petals in pink, cream, purple and yellow, embroidered stems and a hessian wrap, this bunch is blooming gorgeous.
Size: H 31 x W 23 cm.
Southbank Centre Shop
Southbank Centre Shop, Mandela Walk, Belvedere Road
London SE1 8XX
United Kingdom
Amuseable Bouquet of Flowers
The Amuseable Bouquet of Flowers is the perfect way to say Thank You or Congratulations, or simply to cheer up a friend. A stunning bundle of fluffy blooms, with stitch centres, suedette leaves, petals in pink, cream, purple and yellow, embroidered stems and a hessian wrap, this bunch is blooming gorgeous.
Size: H 31 x W 23 cm.
The Amuseable Bouquet of Flowers is the perfect way to say Thank You or Congratulations, or simply to cheer up a friend. A stunning bundle of fluffy blooms, with stitch centres, suedette leaves, petals in pink, cream, purple and yellow, embroidered stems and a hessian wrap, this bunch is blooming gorgeous.
Size: H 31 x W 23 cm.